Hey Daniel, thanks for reading and commenting. I tend to think along the following lines:
Vision — what the world looks like if the company succeeds
Mission — what they are doing to make that vision a reality
Brand Promise — the role the company plays in peoples’ lives/what the company wants consumers to conceptualize when they think of that brand
Brand Attributes — how the company sounds, looks, and feels/how the company wants consumers to feel about the brand
I tend to look at ‘mission’ as separate (though obviously somewhat related) from ‘brand promise.’ So, using that framework Nike might look this:
Vision — Every person on the planet achieving optimal athletic performance
Mission — Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.
(if you have a body, you are an athlete.)
Brand Promise: Unlocking the greatness within every body.
Then that Brand Promise would be translated for different target audiences.
For professional audiences it might talk about peak performance while for yoga aficionados it might talk about it affords you the comfort to stretch your limits.